Whether you're seeking to retrofit an existing site or build on vacant land we can provide your site planning services. |
Green Roofs and Roof Gardens: A green roof is a roof deck space created by adding layers of engineered growing medium, plants, root repellent, drainage layer, filter cloth, and waterproofing. They may be "extensive" with low weight, low cost, low plant diversity, minimal maintenance requirements, and limited accessibility to building occupants or the public; or they may be "intensive" with high accessibility to building occupants and the public, a deep growing medium, greater weight, greater cost, increased plant diversity, and higher maintenance costs. An extensive green roof may have a weight of no more than 10-35 pounds/square foot and may substantially reduce the energy costs for the building. An intensive green roof may also reduce energy costs for the building and may provide substantial amenities for the building occupants or the general public. The weight of an intensive green roof might be 50-300 pounds/square foot. |
Survey by Atlantic Coast Surveying Inc.
Retrofit Existing Sites:
The City of Plantation demanded that the owner of the above commercial building retrofit the site to the current code requirements for parking, landscaping, irrigation, and handicap accessibility. From the beginning the City assumed that the owner would have to tear down his building. We analyzed the site and indicated to the owner that if he demolished his building, he would be unable to build again on the site without variances.
We succeeded in saving the owner's building and prevented a taking of the owner's property with the site plan below and the landscape and irrigation plans. We brought to our team a traffic engineer and landuse attorney to prevent the taking of the property and provided the approved plans. The approved plans included parking lot design, handicap accessibility design, striping and signage, site stuctures, planting, and irrigation. We provided construction administration services including contractor bidding and selection, contract negotiations, and construction observation. |

We can retrofit your site to current code requirements for even the most difficult Cities.
Our services include:
Consultation, investigation, research, planning, design, preparation of drawings, specifications, contract documents and reports, responsible construction supervision, or landscape management in connection with the planning and development of land and incidental water areas, where, and to the extent that, the dominant purpose of such services or creative works is the preservation, conservation, enhancement, or determination of proper land uses, natural land features, ground cover and plantings, or naturalistic and aesthetic values;
The determination of settings, grounds, and approaches for and the siting of buildings and structures, outdoor areas, or other improvements;
The setting of grades, shaping and contouring of land and water forms, determination of drainage, and provision for storm drainage and irrigation systems;
The design of such tangible objects and features as are necessary to the purpose outlined herein;
The preparation, review and analysis of master and site plans, and the review and analysis of subdivision and land development plans;
The preparation and submittal of stormwater management plans and permit applications, environmental plans and permit applications, and environmental mitigation plans consistent with applicable laws, rules and regulations;
Feasibility studies, site selection, cost estimates, and reports associated with the development of land and incidental water areas;
Integration, site analysis, and determination of the location of buildings, structures, pedestrian systems, transportation systems, and environmental systems;
Analysis and design of grading and drainage, stormwater management, irrigation, systems for erosion and sediment control, and pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems where such systems are pertinent to the practice of landscape architecture;
Determination and placement of site improvements including the design of site amenities, accessibility components, plantings and other tangible objects and features associated with the practice of landscape architecture;
Analysis, design, construction and management of wetlands, and where appropriate the performance of such with other design professionals; and
Analysis, design, and construction of Xeriscape systems as defined in Section 373.185, Florida Statutes.
We provide design and construction plans and specifications for the following:
Steps and ramps
Fountains and pools
Fences, screens, dividers and walls
Overhead structures (i.e. trellis)
Retaining walls
Play equipment
Benches and planters
Drainage structures
Site furnishings
Our services include the full range of landscape architectural design including site planning and design of planting, irrigation, landscape structures, lighting, grading, and parking. Each project is designed in the following sequence: programming, analysis, concept alternatives, synthesis of analysis and concept alternatives, design, and implementation. |
We provide appropriate and functional landscape structures which accent and unite with the landscape. We provide full details, specifications, and inspection services in order to complete the project to our client's satisfaction. |
We specialize in monument and ground signs for parks and residential communities. |
Whether you are preserving existing plants or planting from scratch our knowledge of the aesthetic value of plants and their horticultural needs combines to provide you with a sustainable and yet high impact landscape. |
We can provide streetscape design from the smallest residential street to the largest interstate highway. We are prequalified by the Florida Department of Transportation in landscape architecture. Recent projects have included Oakland Park Boulevard, NW 44th Street, Weston Road, a portion of the Florida Turnpike, the intersection of Weston Road and I-75, Flamingo Road in the Town of Davie, and the I-75 interchange for Naples, Miami, and Coral Springs. |
Florida has some of the most advanced landscape and tree preservation codes in the nation and Broward County is perhaps the most advanced county in Florida. We have been active in writing landscape regulations concerning the landscape, tree preservation, fountain design, entry features, perimeter wall design, standard and alternative parking lot design, pedestrian zones, and more. |
We accurately identify tree species, size, defects, vigor, canopy density, extent of decay, pests, failure history, live crown ratio, and quantity of deadwood. We can identify which trees could be saved or relocated and which trees should be removed. |
Water is the principal nutrient of landscape plants. The only purpose of the irrigation system is to sustain the plants. As landscape architect and certified arborist we design the irrigation system to efficiently and sustainably provide water to the plants in time of need. |
We can provide specifications ranging from requirements for a maintenance contractor or tree trimmer to illustrative maintenance manuals for in-house staff. |
Peter DeWick, ASLA, ISA has been an expert witness in cases concerning tree preservation, damages caused by trees to sidewalks and other infrastructure, site planning, and negligent failure to prune trees. Peter DeWick is a registered landscape architect in the State of Florida, a city planner, and a certified arborist. |